Welcome. Here’s a taste of what you can expect!

“G’day”, “kia ora”, “ni sa bula”, “guten tag”, “bonjour” and otherwise “hello” in all the languages of the world (and any others)!

Welcome to my site. Just a few things I want to explain before I outline what you can expect on this, yet another aviation site!

A Goodyear FG1-D Corsair at Wanaka, New Zealand, in 2014. Picture: ANDREW KACIMAIWAI / file

The name is a play on my FB/Meta pages which end in “… across the Tasman”. I have three such pages dealing with military, civilian/commercial and model/replica aircraft.

The “Tasman” in my site name refers to the “Tasman Sea”, that body of water running between Australia and New Zealand. I was living in New Zealand when I bought a DSLR and started taking photos of aircraft. Of all kinds. In museums, at airports and at airshows.

The focus of this site is on all aviation matters Australian and New Zealand related. The early focus of this new site is largely New Zealand-oriented but the Australian focus will come. (Already, omicron has had an impact. I kick-started this site by choosing to focus on the 2022 Warbirds Over Wanaka airshow until that was cancelled.)

On this site, I hope to feature different sections to be categorised as;
HARD NEWS: self-explanatory (but not breaking news; I need to get paid to do that!)

SOFT NEWS: features and other non-hard news.

AIRCRAFT GALLERY: a photographic essay on aircraft types.

TRAVEL GALLERY: a photographic essay on regions that play host to aviation museums and/or airshows.

BACK IN TIME: historical pieces that should range back to the birth of heavier-than-air powered flight.  

GOING SOLO: Extended picture captions for contemporary and historical images, taken by me or supplied via archives (acknowledgements will be given)

FLIGHT TIME: I also hope to partner up with my YouTube Channel. I am also likely to post my  phone videos up here directly.

FLIGHTS OF FANCY: opinion and other speculative pieces from my desk, where ever that happens to be!

I hope to post stuff on a fairly regular basis but I remain just a little wary of daily postings.

Comments and feedback are welcome but nasty stuff will be shot down. (And I have professional experience in this area). Keep it clean and respectful. I don’t pretend to know everything.

I will police my content and ensure any dated stuff is eventually cleaned up. (I am working with a 15gb limit).

I also feel the need to point out that this site is all about aircraft and the technology. No political endorsement is meant or intended so attempts to politicise a post will fall into the Nasty Stuff bin.

A Beechcraft D17S (Staggerwing) at Ardmore, Auckland, in 2013. Picture: ANDREW KACIMAIWAI.

Published by TasmanAircraft

I am a media professional with decades of experience and an endearing fascination in all matters aviation; military and civilian, modern and historic. This page for those with detailed knowledge of the aircraft without being diehards about it: in other words, I expect you to know your DR1s from your P-51s and F-86s from F-35s.

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